
GitHub Synchronization

Learn how Nuxt Studio keeps your project in sync with GitHub.

github icon with sync effectBackground

How it Works

Studio is always fully synced with GitHub. It means that any update made in GitHub is automatically reflected to Studio and vice versa.

Here are the data kept in sync:

  • Branches
  • Pull requests
  • Repository data
  • GitHub Pages deployment and workflows
  • Files

What if some data is missing?

Since we rely on tiers service (GitHub) for synchronization, we can not ensure that it will always receive hooks. If GitHub is facing incidents, we can loose some realtime data. This is why you can always resync your data from Studio.

Branches and Pull requests

button to synchronize my preview links

You can click on the refresh button to sync both branches and pull requests at any time from the project page.

Inside the Studio Editor, you can also do this action from the command menu.


button to synchronize my github pages deployment status

If you are using GitHub pages deployment and the status seems wrong, you can also sync it in the project page.


From the command menu you can find the action Sync files for current branch. This will launch a brand new import of all your files for the selected branch.


This is a more advanced concept. When using themes, developers are able to build schemas that will help Studio to display the data coherently. This is useful for configs and tokens for instance. Those metas are available from the deployed url itself (/__studio.json). In some cases it can be useful to re-sync this data. To do so, you just need to search for Sync meta from the command menu.

All available Vue components usable in Markdown are also fetched from this meta. This is how we can propose them with the / syntax in our Monaco editor.