
Collaborate as a Team

Work efficiently and simultaneously with our live collaboration features.

Project Collaboration

Studio facilitates team collaboration, which can be initiated by following the instructions outlined in the team creation guide.

Within a team, each member has the ability to navigate through files, medias, and configurations, ensuring effortless access to project resources for all participants.

When working on the same branch, you can easily track the files being edited by your teammates. Moreover, any modifications made by team members are promptly reflected in the website preview, including file, media or branch creation, deletion, updates, and more.

files tree with teammates updating some of the file

Our embedded Monaco editor provides a seamless collaboration experience. All user actions are synchronized, allowing you to easily track your teammates' cursors and selections.

From the header, you can directly jump to the file currently being edited by one of your teammates. Simply click on their avatar, switch to their branch, and access their file.

Collaboration feature is currently undergoing strong development. If you encounter any wrong behavior, please feel free to reach out to us on Discord.